本日、皆様からご購入頂きましたシロノシタゲストハウス オリジナルTシャツの売上の一部を以下内容にて寄付させて頂きましたので、報告させて頂きます。
NPO法人姫路子育てサポートセンターおひさま園 6,000円
ユニセフ ウクライナ緊急募金 5,000円 計11,000円
Today I donated a part of the sales of the original T-shirts that you bought. I will report below.
NPO Himeji Child Care Support Center Ohisama-En 6,000yen
UNICEF Ukraine Emergency Fundraising 5,000yen
We hope that as many children with developmental disabilities as possible can live happily and that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will end as soon as possible.And we would like to express my gratitude to everyone in Japan and overseas who purchased T-shirts. Thank you very much for this time.